My Pastor preached yesterday from Psalm 46. He did a wonderful job, but what seem to be my favorite part was when he was talking about this verse. He said that sometimes we need to just be still, we get to busy with other things, and we forget about God when HE alone is the one we need the most. He made 2 comments that have stuck with me.
1. If we could really get ahold of this verse, reflect on it, and realize that God has ALL power in Heaven and earth, and realize what all HE has done.
2. He asked the question "How long has it been since God has made Himself known in your life?"
He also talked about in verse 1 where it says "a very present help." Very Present means abundantly accessible! so we will never go to Him for help that He will not be there for us! Sometimes we may feel that He is not there, but this verse proves that He is always by our side.
There is so much I need to learn from these verses. Imagine the amount of growing one could do if we could really get ahold of what it's really saying. I hope this has been a help to you as it was to me, and my prayer is that for my own life as well as all who read this that we could find help in our Savior. Even if it takes some negligence from other things in our life that would keep us from being still before Him, and then maybe we could really see that He IS a very present help in our time of trouble.