Monday, March 29, 2010

Truly Blessed!

Yesterday I celebrated my 26th birthday! I love birthdays, not for all the attention you receive (while of course it is nice and makes the day special) to me it's the blessing of another year! you see...I did not deserve to wake up everyday for the past 365 days, but it happened. I do not deserve life, but I have it. I do not deserve to have two hands, feet, eyes, ears, legs, arms, but they are there. I do not deserve the air I breathe, but when I woke up this morning..I was breathing just fine! I do not deserve all the earthly things I have, but God has allowed me to have them. I do not deserve the wonderful husband that God has given me or the wonderful friends and family I have, but God's blessings are endless. I do not deserve the love of my Savior, but it is wonderful. I do not deserve the peace in my heart when I go to sleep each night, but I can sleep knowing all is well. I do not deserve to live in America, the only country that is still free, but I bleed red, white, and blue! I do not deserve to go to Fellowship Baptist Church and be free to worship our great Savior, but He made a way. I do not deserve to be saved and on my way to Heaven, but Jesus paid my debt.

I could go on for forever! I do not deserve any of this, but God's been good, and I can truly say that I've been blessed far more than what I deserve.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Jonathan preached on this verse last night, and I want so much to live this life. My hope and prayer is that others would see Him in me..not me..because I am nothing without Him, but that He would get all the honor and glory with however He chooses to use my life. I know that it seems like life hands us some really hard things at times, but God is good even in these times too, and I can honestly say that He's my best friend!

My worst day as a Christian is still FAR better than my best day, trying to live it without my Lord!

So, I will just end with this, Thanks you, Lord for another year of Your wonderful blessings on my life!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Still Got Nothing!

I have been thinking and thinking for days, trying to come up with a great post to make up for the fact that I have not posted anything since Valentines, but to my dismay~I still got nothing!!!

I decided that perhaps changing the look would help some, and especially since spring has sprung!! I wanted something that looks cheerful. With the warm weather we have been having we have started doing some much needed work around our house, cleaning up from all the deadness of winter. I was quite surprised the other day when I was cleaning out some of my flower beds at all the little sprouts shooting up, and the new life that they bring. I will post some pictures as things continue to improve around the house. But, for now I figured what is better? posting nothing or posting that I still got nothing to post about! SO here's hoping that you will like my new look and get a chuckle out of my state of nothingness!!

Good day to you all with love,