I believe everything that the Bible teaches us that He is but I stand amazed just thinking about it all! I really can’t wrap my mind around everything, but I do believe that if we could really grasp even the smallest amount of who He is and how wonderful He is I am sure that all of Heaven and earth could not contain all the joy we would have nor the praises we would be singing to Him!
It makes me wonder sometimes how anyone could possibly not believe in Him!
I mean who else could have calmed the stormy seas, created Heaven in the span of His hand, made the mountains and all the water (which by the way He says is just a drop of water in the palm of His hand) who else could have turned water to wine, saved the woman at the well, made the dumb to talk, and the blind to see, who else could have raised Lazarus from the dead, or healed the man that was lame from birth, or created life from dust, who else could have been born to a virgin woman, came into this world and lived a perfect sinless life, who else would go to Calvary and die in our place, who else could have (if He wanted to) called all of the angels from Heaven to come and set Him free, who else could have taken the keys of death and hell? My, My, My, I have chills just thinking about all these things! Because no one else could have ever done all that!
I know these are all stories we all know and have loved since we were kids but I was just thinking too..What about all the things He still does today?
He can still save souls today just like He was over 2,000 years ago, He can still heal diseases, He can still take away the doubts and fears that we are faced with, He can still change lives, He can still meet all our needs and supplies many of the things we want, and He still answers prayer (big or small) He can still take a man and woman and put them together to become one and have a family that wants to serve Him, He can still take sons and daughters and make them into shining women and Godly men that love Him, He is STILL a miracle working God today just like He was then!
I just want to thank Him for who He is, and say how much I love Him!
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