Monday, December 7, 2009

Choosing To Walk The Road Less Traveled

I will warn you now, this is probably going to be a long post though I hope that does not keep you from reading it! I have had much on my mind for the last several weeks, and I must say it all. I do not want to divide this into more than one post so if you do not have the extra time on your hands you may not want to read it.

Giving God Your All~

For the last several service we have had at Church, this area has been dealt with a lot. Through the preaching, devotions, even in Sunday School Jonathan has been talking along these lines to the teens. There has been MUCHsaid lately about giving God your ALL, and doing your very best for Him. Living a life that shines out to the world, showing who you are, what you believe, and who you stand for.

To be truly honest...the first time our Pastor preached on the subject The Lord began working in my heart. As I sat there listening that day to what he was saying, my heart was throbbing and felt like it was gonna explode out of my chest. I sat there under conviction, but saying the whole time "Lord, I do want to do my best for you and give you my all!" and it seemed like He questioned back "Do you really?"

I have tried to dismiss the thoughts whirling through my mind and the overwhelming feelings in my heart, but to my dismay, He has kept knocking at the door. (really...I am glad He has!) but for several days these thoughts have been replaying through my mind so hard, and just to be completely honest, I have become somewhat flustered in an attempt to see what He is really wanting me to see, but deep down inside knowing it all to well.

I have said many times that I would give God my all, but in the back of my mind was still somewhat reserved for fear of what others would think of me if I did. Everyone wants to feel needed and loved rather than discredited and beat down if they choose to walk a life for the Lord.

My eyes have been opened a little wider to see just that though- as Christians we are not to live like the rest of the world, we are to be set apart and different. We are to live separated lives so that others will know without any doubts that we are what we say we are.

I was faced with something last week that made me question all these things. It was the first time I had really ever been questioned for my belief, and I had an opportunity to stand up and say why, but I didn't. Not because I don't know why, although I don't know all the reasons. I try to walk what I talk and do what I know is right, but I got scared...I questioned myself and all that I know to be true. I know we all fail and mess up sometimes, but I had been laughed at for what I believe and I hated myself for it.

I had several people tell me that I should not let it get to me so much, and that I should not have let this individual dictate who I am because they really don't know me. I know now that they were all right, but the whole situation and the fact that God has already been working in me about these very things has gotten me fired up now! I am tired of being a coward! I do care what people think of me, but I do NOT want to let anyone push me around again and not at least stand up and fight for what I believe, know why I believe it, and not be afraid to go against the grain! Living for God is the road less traveled, it is going against the current, it is having a face in the wind, it is not popular or always easy but...IT IS RIGHT!!!!

Even as I sit here with all these questions and thoughts racing through me, I know all the answers are found in the Lord. When looking at it that way it seems like it should all be so easy...right? WRONG! So why is it complicated I ask? One answer I have found is this.

The Devil loves for nothing more than to torment us, and sometimes He does such a good job that we are left feeling defeated, torn, and miserable. We CANNOT let Him kick us down, and keep us there though. If we do then He has gained the victory.

I have found it is hard also because as I said in a previous post, we have our own will and pride to contend with, and I know that is why I must keep reading my Bible and stay on my knees before God to not loose sight of Him.

Again I say, maybe it's that we fear the ridicule we will be given if we choose to take that stand, but any dead fish can float down stream! We CAN have a face in the wind, and if we are made fun of, or laughed at then let it be a marker on our lives for a time we took a stand for Christ.

I am normally a peace maker and a people pleaser. I DO NOT like confrontation and I rarely say what is really on my mind just to avoid a "heated" discussion, but I am tired of failing, and just standing by on the sidelines while all that I know to be true and good and right is being walked all over.

With that in mind you may not like what I have to say, you may even hate it, you can call me Wacko, Plain Jane, Conservative, Radical, whatever you please, but before you start throwing your arrows at me let me ask these questions-

What is so wrong with taking a stand for Christ?
What is so wrong with going to Church every time you possible can?
What is so wrong with praying and asking God in faith knowing that He will do what He promised?

I know these things were not to personal (and now let the throwing begin) if so that is fine, but...

What is so wrong with a woman choosing to stay home to be a keeper of her house? Now don't get me wrong, I know that their are some women who have no choice but to go to work and even some who choose that. I will not judge you or think wrong of you if you do. I'm just saying why are woman who stay at home laughed at for doing so?

Why do others view you as a "Jesus Freak" if you choose to wear skirts and dresses all the time? I battled for many, many years on what the big deal was for me to wear pants, but I know what God has told me, it is a conviction He has put in my heart. Again, I will not judge you or think wrongly of you if you wear pants, but I know what God has told mefor my life.

What is so wrong with a wife submitting to her husband (even if he is wrong at times) this is what a Godly woman is supposed to do. Support her husband and back him up. The Bible tells us ...see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33 Even if you think he is wrong and do not like what he says, I believe it is a matter of respect for the position that God has put him in as the spiritual leader of your home.

What is so wrong with choosing to be careful about what you watch on t.v. or the music you listen to, what you look at on the internet, the friends that you hang around with? I have heard it said all my life that the company you keep is who you are, and who you will become like, While I did understand that before, it had really never sunk in. Now it is all so clear to me. Birds of a feather WILL flock together! I have seen some of my own BEST friends lives ruined because they got in the wrong place at the wrong time, and choose the wrong kind of people to be around, and the wrong way of living.

I do not have any children yet so I may not have much room to speak here, and if God does ever bless us with children, I know we will make mistakes and fail, but I also know what we believe and with the help and grace of God I know how we desire to raise our kids so that He may get the glory and honor.
I have been asked, Will they be home-schooled? my reply is, Yes! What is wrong with that? I don't see the harm in wanting to keep our children home with me to keep them from the danger of this world.

I have had lots of people ask me "When you have kids-will you tell them-no?" "Will you give them a whoopin' if they need it?" again I say, Yes! What is wrong with that? It is not gonna hurt them to hear the word 'no' or for their backsides to get a little tan!

But, might I add that they will be talked to, adored, cherished, held, rocked, cuddled, hugged, kissed, fed, provided for, read to, sung to, told about Jesus, taken to Church and Sunday School, and loved with an ever-lasting love. As I said above, I know that we will not be perfect parents. I will not be a perfect Mother, but I want to strive to be the best that I can be. As you can see this was a much bigger question than the rest, but it is what I/We believe. The Bible say, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.

Last, but certainly not least...

What is wrong with keeping God at the very center of your home? Seeking Him first for everything in your lives.
What is wrong with reading the Bible and praying together as a family?
What is wrong with giving God your all? He did give you His all.

Again I say, these are convictions, they are mine, and I will not judge you for yours, that is NOT my place, but I will take a stand.

I will fight for right.

I will walk the road less traveled for my Savior.

I will be a do it the hard and not easy way kind of girl.

I know I am not perfect, and I make mistakes, but I want to have a face in the wind, and live a pure, holy, and acceptable life for God. Even if it means being laughed at I want to say publicly that from this day I will do my best to give my all for my Savior, and not be ashamed of who I am, what I believe, and who I stand for.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

Saturday, December 5, 2009

100 Things About Me

In completely random order, 100 things about me:

1. I was born in Naha, Japan
2. I lost my first tooth when I was 3...knocked it out in a swimming pool!
3. I started home schooling in 6th grade
4. It's snowing at my house right now...first one of the year! I'm lovin' it!
5. Sometimes I read stuff backwards.
6. I still LOVE to watch cartoons!
7. I had braces for 3 1/2 years.
8. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 18.
9. I HATE lima beans...nasty stuff!
10. I still love to color!
11. I like to play in the rain.
12. I learned how to tie my shoes when I was 3.
13. I know how to skate backwards.
14. I played softball for 4 years and loved it, but I was not really all that good...I would play again if I could, but I am almost sure I would double-over with pain while trying to run to first base!
15. I HATE! HATE! HATE! coffee...I even hold my nose when I go down that aisle in the grocery store cause I hate to smell it.
16. I was raised in Church most of my life, but did not get saved until I was 18.
17. I am so gullible.
18. I love telling people about Jesus, and what He's done for me.
19. Although...I am very shy, and freeze like a popsicle if I have to talk to someone I don't know.
20. I was a VERY BIG tom boy when I was younger
21. I don't like showering (but don't worry, I do!)
22. I am TERRIFIED, and I mean TERRIFIED of big dogs!
23. I can't do jumping jacks!
24. I was in 1st grade for 2 years :(
25. My Favorite color is pink!
26. I took spanish for 3 1/2 years in elementary school.
27. I failed my drivers test the first time I took it.
28. I LOVE orange juice!
29. I love to cook new recipes!
30. I have a sewing machine, but can't sew a fact I think it hates me!
31. However, I love to do cross stitching!
32. I have great (and I mean great) in-laws!
33. My full name is Rebecca Marie-Ann Snow.
34. I knew my husband for about 8 yrs before we ever started dating.
35. Our Anniversary is April 16, 2005
36. I love to draw!
37. I love toe socks!
38. I would rather work outside all day than in the house for an hour.
39. I'm NOT a morning person!
40. I hate when someone empties the trash and does not put a new bag in the trash can.
41. I turned 21 a week before we got married.
42. My favorite Christmas movie is "White Christmas"
43. I have a pink iPhone...and I am ashamed to say I would prolly be lost without it cause it has everything in it.
44. My favorite game is called "My Word" but I loose every time I play it!
45. My favorite sandwich is PB&J
46. I did not go to college
47. I cracked the bone and tore 2 tendons in my ankle when I was 22.
48. I live in the country on a tiny road, and completely love it!
49. Sometimes my eyes are brown, sometimes they are green...depends on what I am wearing.
50. I love to watch Andy Griffith~Whew! Half way - are you stickin' with me?
51. I can't say the word-pistachio
52. I am VERY ticklish!
53. I CAN"T STAND to have my feet touched, and I cannot control what might happen if they do get touched! Watch out! you might get kicked in the head or something!
54. I DON"T like horror movies.
55. My dream vacation was always to go to Italy, now I am cool with anywhere if it gets ya away for a vacation!
56. Don't ever trust me with your keys...for some reason I loose other peoples keys.
57. I had long hair when I was little.
58. I had strep throat like 10 times in 1 year...I had my tonsils removed the following year.
59. I Love, Love, Love to scrapbook, but I am the slowest scrap-booker ever! I have stuff from 2007 that I have still not done!
60. I don't really collect anything...that I know of anyway!
61. I used to hate milk and now I love it.
62. I am always so cold....even when it's really warm outside I get cold easy.
63. When I laugh really hard it makes my eyes water.
64. I am 25, but I am a total teen girl at heart (sleep over anyone?)
65. I tried to wear contact, but couldn't, so I just look like a geek in my glasses.
66. I take the Bible literally.
67. I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell, and only 1 way to get to Heaven.
68. I discovered that the easter bunny was fake when I was 3 because when I went to the mall to have my picture taken with him...I saw his socks and I knew that he was not supposed to have socks on....In the picture I am crying!
69. I don't understand why parents tell their kids that there is a santa, easter bunny, or tooth fairy only to have to tell them a few years down the road that it's not really true.
70. I have PCOS which is causing us problems to have kids, but I know God is able, and CAN work a miracle beyond all our dreams!
71. I love to watch football!!! Especially UT and Indy Colts!
72. I hate the way green apple candy taste.
73. I love the smell from our fireplace burning in the winter.
74. I still have my favorite child-hood toy! my bear~Bubby
75. I am a really bad bowler, but love it anyway!
76. I sing with a trio at Church sometimes, but really sound awful!
77. I like to dip french fries in ice cream!
78. I cry every time I watch "It's A Wonderful Life"
79. I won 1st place in the high jump contest one year during field day at school, but I am only 5ft. tall.
80. I still have a crush on my husband, and I get butterflies when he kisses me!
81. I don't like swimming in lakes, ponds, or the ocean (because I don't like creepy crawly things).
82. However, I love, love, love the beach!
83. Jonathan and I spent our honeymoon at Ft. Walton Beach, FL.
84. I enjoy hiking.
85. I love being surprised.
86. I can't drive a stick shift to well.
87. I once locked my keys in the car and they were in the driver seat.
88. I have never been to Washington, D.C.
89. I get carsick really easy! :(
90. Nyquil makes me really hyper.
91. My husband is the youth director at our Church and we work with the greatest group of young people! I just love it!
92. I LOVE pickles!
93. I LOVE to read my Bible!
94. I hate dusting the furniture...I do it!...but to me it just seems pointless.
95. I don't like chocolate milk or hot chocolate.
96. My favorite candy bar is Snickers! I LOVE EM'!
97. I love being a woman.
98. I love diet sprite...(aka~carbonated water)
99. If I see my own blood...chances of me passing out are pretty High!
100. I am SO glad to be finished with this list - that was hard work!

Friday, December 4, 2009

In His Grip

When I woke up this morning my thoughts seemed to go immediately to the tasks that lay before me, as I looked around I saw a mess in every corner it seemed like, a pile of laundry, a dishwasher needing to be emptied to make way for all the dirty dishes in the sink, and the list of chores continues, plus all the other things that do not just pertain to the house. As I looked around I began to feel quite over whelmed. I started thinking...where do I begin? How am I supposed to get all this done? As I stood there just looking...I jokingly thought, “I need a twin or something cause It’s gonna take more than just me to get all this done!” Then I told myself “Oh Becky, just get a grip and start somewhere!”

It seemed like at that moment God said, “Ya know, I can help you get all that stuff done today if you will just ask me!” my reply was “Yes Lord, and I am gonna need all of Your help I can get and I do not want to begin this day without You.

This was actually the very topic of the devotion given last night at our Secret Sister Banquet by Ms Williams, how if we will get up faithfully every morning and give the Lord the first part of our day that He will be faithful back to us, and speak to our hearts and give us something that we will need to make it through that day.

As I opened my Bible I saw a verse that I have written in the inside cover. For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah 41:13

As I read this verse I remember what I had said first “just get a grip” and I realized that I did not need to get a grip because I am in his grip! It seemed like He said to me “See, I told you I would help you!” as long as I am holding your hand, and I always will, and you can’t get away because you are in My grip!

Thank You Lord, for giving me just what I needed to make it through this day, and thank you for reminding me that you are right there holding my hand ready and willing to help me....if I just ask!