When I was a kid, sometimes people would ask me if I had any growing pains. I would look at them and just smile, I really did not understand what they meant by that statement and I must have not experienced very many of them due to the fact that I am just 5' tall. Someone once told me not to let it bother me and that I really was not short, I'm just vertically challenged. I always liked that little saying but now I am getting away from my point.
Someone told me tonight that I am growing in the Lord each day and that while we grow sometimes we will experience pain and difficult times, I also know that we experience many other things and many different emotions as we face each day. I am starting to find though that it is tough to know how to process more than one emotion at a time. Sometimes being excited and scared at the same time can seem to mess with your mind. As I was listening to this person talk my only response was “Growing is Hard!” To which they replied “Yes, sometimes it is.” I started to comment that I did not know if I liked this growing process or not but I know too that while things seem tough that this growing will bring me closer to the Lord if I will trust in Him, and knowing this makes the trip seem a little easier. I just pray that as I grow and learn that my life will reflect Christ.
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…James 4:8
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