Monday, December 7, 2009
Choosing To Walk The Road Less Traveled

Saturday, December 5, 2009
100 Things About Me
In completely random order, 100 things about me:
Friday, December 4, 2009
In His Grip
When I woke up this morning my thoughts seemed to go immediately to the tasks that lay before me, as I looked around I saw a mess in every corner it seemed like, a pile of laundry, a dishwasher needing to be emptied to make way for all the dirty dishes in the sink, and the list of chores continues, plus all the other things that do not just pertain to the house. As I looked around I began to feel quite over whelmed. I started thinking...where do I begin? How am I supposed to get all this done? As I stood there just looking...I jokingly thought, “I need a twin or something cause It’s gonna take more than just me to get all this done!” Then I told myself “Oh Becky, just get a grip and start somewhere!”
It seemed like at that moment God said, “Ya know, I can help you get all that stuff done today if you will just ask me!” my reply was “Yes Lord, and I am gonna need all of Your help I can get and I do not want to begin this day without You.
This was actually the very topic of the devotion given last night at our Secret Sister Banquet by Ms Williams, how if we will get up faithfully every morning and give the Lord the first part of our day that He will be faithful back to us, and speak to our hearts and give us something that we will need to make it through that day.
As I opened my Bible I saw a verse that I have written in the inside cover. For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah 41:13
As I read this verse I remember what I had said first “just get a grip” and I realized that I did not need to get a grip because I am in his grip! It seemed like He said to me “See, I told you I would help you!” as long as I am holding your hand, and I always will, and you can’t get away because you are in My grip!
Thank You Lord, for giving me just what I needed to make it through this day, and thank you for reminding me that you are right there holding my hand ready and willing to help me....if I just ask!

Friday, November 20, 2009
I will Love thee, O LORD, my strength. Ps. 18:1
In these verses it mentions 2 times that God is our strength, I was always taught when you are reading God’s Word and He says something more than once then it is something He really wants you to know! I began to think about how He is our strength, how He is always there for us if we will just come to Him. We know that He knows our needs without us even telling Him, but that is His desire, that we would come to Him.
I started thinking about how this is easier said than done sometimes, to tell Him all of our needs and to trust Him, leaving it in His hands, and knowing that He is our strength and that He will take care of us, and then I began to think, “Well, why is it easier said than done?” the answer I found was not completely what I wanted to hear, but it is true!
So why is it so hard? because we have our own will, we wake up every morning with a fresh start, but we are given a choice, to serve God or live for self, to choose right or wrong, to back down or stand for what we believe. Even Paul said “I die daily”
In our own strength we are nothing, we cannot be what God wants us to be if we try to make it on our own. I have tried this, and I failed miserably. I still fail everyday because I am human, but I desire to do right, I desire to be what God wants me to be, I desire to be like Him just as much as I can be, but if we were just like Him then we would not need Him.
If we did not need Him then He would not have said, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...2 Corinthians 12:9. If we did not need Him~we would never know the peace that He can give, If we did not need Him~we would not know of His saving power, If we did not need Him~we would not know the unspeakable joy that He gives with an answered prayer, If we did not need Him~we would not know how He can hold us by His grace, If we did not need Him~we would not know the love that He gave when He died to set us free, If we did not need Him~we would not see the miracles that He can do, If we did not need Him~then we would be perfect, and we would not know the true beat of His heart, If we did not need Him~then I would not have found 55 places in the Bible that talk about His strength, I am sure that there are others than that, that is just what I found. After finding all these places I though again about how if it is said more than once then He really wants us to know it!
So my question for you today is this...Do you know Him? Do you know of His Saving Power, His Love, His forgiveness, and HIS strength? If you don’t~I pray that you will find Him!
I am so thankful for His love and grace on my life, and with each passing day may I constantly be reminded that HE is my strength!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What Do We Do When The Pressure Is On?

Monday, November 9, 2009
Glimmers Of Hope Found In The Dark (Part 2)
I promised I would share why this meant so much to me..
At first I was not sure why He gave me this little thought although I did find it encouraging I was just not sure why, but then when we got home from Church saturday night, Jonathan commented on how bright the sky was and how beautiful the stars were, when I looked up to see, the beauty seemed to almost take my breathe way, I wish I could have gotta a good picture of what it looked like, but anyway, I stood for just a moment and looked at the beauty before me, as I looked I was reminded of the devotion that Jonathan did a while back. He talked about these two verses.
Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? Isaiah 40:12
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16
As he talked about these verses he said how that God made the Heaven in the span of His hand but also in this verse in Genesis it says that He made the stars also. Jonathan said how that it seemed like it was almost an after-thought. Almost like God was saying here "I'll put these out there too, just cause I can!" He was talking about how big God is and how He can do all this but still He cares about you and me and our needs.
My mind went back to this thought about faith that He had given me earlier in the day and it was as if He was saying "See, if you look with more than just your eyes you will see what I want you to."and I can help you find answers for what you seek and help your faith grow in something as beautiful as these stars you see.
It was then that I really realized why He gave me this thought, and how sometimes He DOES work in ways we CAN see.
Seeing those stars reminded me of these verses and how big God is and How much He does love me and cares for my needs, and once again my F.A.I.T.H did grow!
I know these thoughts are some-what scattered but it is what He gave me and I wanted to share it. I do hope it might encourage you as it did me!

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Small Glimmers Of Hope Found In The Dark
Monday, November 2, 2009
Our Journey, Our Wait, Our Desire, Our Hope
Today when I woke up I was faced with what seemed to be just a normal day and I began the usual tasks of the morning, which usually consist of getting Jonathan's lunch and clothes together for the day and then seeing him off to work with a hug and a kiss and my wish for his day to go well!
As the morning continued I was doing my usual chores and it seemed like all of a sudden the Devil started working hard and well at making me discouraged, but while it seemed like I was fighting with him, God began to work in my heart and I began praying and asking for His help and comfort. Sounds all spiritual right? Well, I can promise you that I am not at all what I should be but I knew that through His Word I would find strength for the day at hand. As I opened the cover of my Bible I read this verse. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 as I read this verse it seemed like God spoke so softly and said "Let me be your strength, I can, if you will let me." I said ok through tears and a broken heart, but still...in my attempts to find peace and guidance I did a search on Waiting on God.
I found this poem and a video(the link to the video is at the very bottom of the page under the poem) and it touched my heart so much because it seemed to fit perfectly for the day and the battle that we have been fighting, it is our desire to have a child of our own, and it is a journey that we are walking with the Lord. We are waiting and trusting in His timing for this precious gift.
I know that there are MANY other couples out there that have faced infertility and I even know a few who are now. Some have gained victory and some continue to wait... it keeps me reminded that we are not the only ones facing this battle, but at the same time this waiting process is really unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life, and until the day it is resolved the longing and desire will stay. Sometimes I find myself almost pretending or wishing it away just to find some relief but deep down inside it remains.
The dream to have a sweet little one fill my arms is a desire that is buried deep inside me. It is a longing that I cannot hide. Ever since I was just a little girl I knew when I grew up that I wanted to be a Wife and a Mommy. The same dream remains now that I am grown, I want nothing more than to serve God and have a home that is for HIS glory! To be a great wife for the wonderful husband that God has given me, and I have so much of a longing to hold a child of our own.
I have spent days on my face begging God for His grace, I have fought sleepless nights searching for His wisdom and comfort but still...we wait...I have questioned many times "God, do you still care? have you forgotten us?" I do know deep down inside that He DOES care, but I will admit that sometimes I get so tired of fighting this grueling pain that does not go away, I have cried bitter tears and begged God "Why?" but His answer is still seems to be the same~ just wait.
We will have been married for 5 years on April 16, 2010. We have been trying almost the entire time we have been married to have a baby, and yes, I know that does not seem like that long. But during this time of waiting we have cried what seems like a million tears, held each other close and prayed for God's wisdom and guidance, but through His mercy and grace we have also grown closer to Him and closer together, we have laughed a lot, and God has been so good and gracious to us. We have many special moments that will be with us forever, and I know that each day we make new memories that will continue to last a lifetime that we will spend together.
It is still the desire of our hearts to have a home that is for His glory and children to that we can teach and raise for Him.
Please pray for us that we will continue to grow in our faith as we walk this journey.
The poem I found~
Wait by Russell Kelfer **************** Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried; Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied. I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . . And the Master so gently said, "Wait." "Wait? you say wait?" my indignant reply. "Lord, I need answers, I need to know why! Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard? By faith I have asked, and I'm claiming your Word. "My future and all to which I relate Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait? I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign, Or even a 'no' to which I can resign. "You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe, We need but to ask, and we shall receive. And Lord I've been asking, and this is my cry: I'm weary of asking! I need a reply." Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate, As my Master replied again, "Wait." So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut, And grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting for what?" He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . . and He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign. I could shake the heavens and darken the sun. I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run. "I could give all you seek and pleased you would be. You'd have what you want, but you wouldn't know Me. You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint. You'd not know the power that I give to the faint. "You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair; You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there. You'd not know the joy of resting in Me When darkness and silence are all you can see. "You'd never experience the fullness of love When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove. You would know that I give, and I save, for a start, But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart. "The glow of my comfort late into the night, The faith that I give when you walk without sight. The depth that's beyond getting just what you ask From an infinite God who makes what you have last. "You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee, What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee. Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true, But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you. "So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me. And though oft My answers seem terribly late, My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait." |
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Who Is God?
I believe everything that the Bible teaches us that He is but I stand amazed just thinking about it all! I really can’t wrap my mind around everything, but I do believe that if we could really grasp even the smallest amount of who He is and how wonderful He is I am sure that all of Heaven and earth could not contain all the joy we would have nor the praises we would be singing to Him!
It makes me wonder sometimes how anyone could possibly not believe in Him!
I mean who else could have calmed the stormy seas, created Heaven in the span of His hand, made the mountains and all the water (which by the way He says is just a drop of water in the palm of His hand) who else could have turned water to wine, saved the woman at the well, made the dumb to talk, and the blind to see, who else could have raised Lazarus from the dead, or healed the man that was lame from birth, or created life from dust, who else could have been born to a virgin woman, came into this world and lived a perfect sinless life, who else would go to Calvary and die in our place, who else could have (if He wanted to) called all of the angels from Heaven to come and set Him free, who else could have taken the keys of death and hell? My, My, My, I have chills just thinking about all these things! Because no one else could have ever done all that!
I know these are all stories we all know and have loved since we were kids but I was just thinking too..What about all the things He still does today?
He can still save souls today just like He was over 2,000 years ago, He can still heal diseases, He can still take away the doubts and fears that we are faced with, He can still change lives, He can still meet all our needs and supplies many of the things we want, and He still answers prayer (big or small) He can still take a man and woman and put them together to become one and have a family that wants to serve Him, He can still take sons and daughters and make them into shining women and Godly men that love Him, He is STILL a miracle working God today just like He was then!
I just want to thank Him for who He is, and say how much I love Him!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Soaring On Broken Wings

Here I go with another long post and it may have just been something for me, but I hope that it will be an encouragement to you as it was to me when reading these things. God works in such wondrous ways and I thank Him for His goodness in my life!
This verse came to mind yesterday while I was reading my Bible. I have read it many times and it has been a help to me many times, but yesterday when I read it I began to dig a little deeper and thinking about how we are compared to the eagle. I did some research and found out some things about eagles that I really did not know. Nothing big just some interesting facts.
There are 59 different species of eagles but people are most familiar with the bald eagle. The Bald Eagle is our National Symbol and does represent freedom. This I did know, but somethings I did not know~ eagles can have a wing span of 8ft. and they can fly up to 65mph. When they are diving they can fly up to speeds of 200mph. and they can soar at altitudes of 10,000ft. God so enabled them to soar at these heights because eagles will when faced with a storm rise above it.
As humans I found out that we can climb to about 8,000ft. normally, but beyond that we may begin to feel quite sick if we did not have oxygen, and 10,000ft for a human can be fatal. But yet God compared us as Christians to eagles! This so amazed me when I read these things. Like I said above its nothing big just interesting, but it was inspiring to read how God made these beautiful and majestic creatures and compares little me to them.
As I read more about these eagles though I found something sad. An eagles bones in their wings are hollow inside and if their bones become broken it could shatter them and cause then to never be able to fly again. However if the bone is not shattered after given some time to heal they can soar again. It did make me sad though to think about how such a beautiful creator could have its freedom taken away in just a moments time.
I began to think about how we are compared to them. How sometimes in our lives we are faced with such circumstances that we become broken. I have known people who have faced such difficult things in their lives that they gave up on God. It was as if they had broken wings and could not find the strength to carry on.
It saddens me to think of where these people are now because they did not allow God to heal their brokenness, instead they have chosen to live a life of bitterness toward the Lord and for something that they could have found strength in Him for. Now don’t get me wrong I am NOT putting these people down. I have felt at times like I was the one with the broken wings and I have lived with bitterness inside, but I must give God all the glory because even just recently I have found victory in Him.
Sometimes we face storms that are so big and so real and they can cause us to fall and leave us feeling empty and defeated, but there is such great promise from God in this verse. He said... “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Did you notice that He mentioned the word “shall” 4 times in this verse? What a promise that is...He did not say we might find strength in Him, He said we SHALL find strength in Him.
My main thought in this study was this~ I know that we are compared to the eagle because we too can rise above the storm, but I also know that the eagle can’t fly on broken wings, and I began to think about us as Christians? Can we find the strength to soar even when our lives are so broken? God knows our hearts and where we are, He said he would never leave us. So my question was this~ Can we soar on broken wings?
As I read this verse over and over I came to the decision that we can! How? Because one way we are not like the eagle is this~ an eagle trust in his own strength and the strength that is in his wings to help him fly because that is all he knows, we as Christians do not trust in ourselves. I am so thankful that I know someone so much greater! We trust in the Lord and even when we are broken we can still soar above the storm because we have faith in the Lord to help us rise above our doubts and fears.
As I kept reading this verse at the end it says~ “they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” I began to think about an athlete for a minute and how it takes much training and stamina to run or walk for long distances and not grow weary and tired. Now physically I am ashamed to admit that I would not make it very far without having to stop for a break, but I began to question myself spiritually, am I running for Him with all the strength that He provides or am I fainting under the load and fearing what my future will hold?
I began to ask myself why do I worry about the things ahead? Now is the time to stand strong in the Lord.
Something else I read about Bald Eagles that I found to be amazing is that they usually only way about 10-15lbs but they can carry up to 5lbs of weight in their talons. That is half of their own body weight! but the weight of something any heavier and it would pull them down.
I began to think about how if we dwell on what is in the future or even what tomorrow holds it can pull us down because we will begin to fret over what we don’t know. I have found myself in this place many times even here lately, but what God has shown me is that worrying about tomorrow does me no good at all because I don’t even have a promise of tomorrow.
An eagle can soar with such freedom and strength but he can only do this if he is healthy and strong. We as Christians can soar with freedom and strength too! Freedom because we have been freed and washed in Jesus blood and in strength even when we don’t feel like it. We can soar even when we are frail and week because we have the Lord who is almighty and powerful that we are trusting in.
I must thank the Lord and give Him all the praise and glory for the strength and help I have found in this verse. What a wonderful promise God has given us that we SHALL find our strength in Him if we wait for His timing.